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Saqqara, Ancient Egypt |
Construction of the church began to Pharaoh Seti I of Egypt during the reign of the pharaohs XIX Dynasty, about 4000 BC, and finished by his son Ramses II.
Temple of Abydos among other attractions of ancient Egypt distinguishes a set of signs, clearly confirming that the roots of this civilization are of extraterrestrial origin. Otherwise, from the Egyptians to learn about the achievements of science and technology, which will take place a few thousand years later?
The first - mysterious drawings on the beam of the temple of Abydos
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Temple Abidos, Egypt |
Even with the naked eye on the beam of the temple of Abydos in Egypt can be seen carved on the stone image of a modern tank, airplane, helicopter and machine. They are available for inspection and tourists during the tour in the temple of Abydos. In addition, the guides emphasize on this puzzle of architectural art of ancient Egypt the attention of travelers. How did the ancient Egyptians to bring imaging technique, which will appear in a few thousand years, we can only guess. This finding was one of the brightest discoveries among the finds of ancient Egypt.
What scientists have put forward a hypothesis on this issue?
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Temple Abidos, Egypt |
Modern fixtures-merit scholars and sorcerers of ancient Egypt, Rome assigned to militant led by Julius Caesar, in whose honor was named the month of July.
The traditional explanation of the mysterious carving in the temple of Abydos - is corrosive processes that invariably overtake any monument with thousands of years of history. It is believed that over time the stone was chipped and the original Egyptian hieroglyphics changed its original appearance. But then the question arises: how can a few drawings on a single beam of the temple contain some entirely accurate, with correct proportions of the image while the others remained unchanged?
Recently Arabic newspaper "Al-Sharq Al-Awsat" published an interesting photo? made in the temple of Amun Ra at Karnak. Egyptian hieroglyphs carved dates back to 1000 BC They repeat the paintings found in the temple of Abydos. They depict famous modern aircraft. Are likely to overlap and whether or not the ancient Egyptians knew nothing of Turbulence?
Today it is difficult to answer these questions. The fire destroyed the Library of Alexandria of Egypt almost all the ancient manuscripts. Ancient writings are preserved only in India. Many of these contain information about complex aircraft.
Despite the fact that over time have been lost many of the old documents of the history of China, has recently been discovered in Tibet Sanskrit. As a result of its study, it was found that it contains the instructions for building the spacecraft.
The second - an underground temple of Abydos Osireion - an architectural masterpiece
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Osireon, Abidos Temple |
Origin and feasibility of such a grand building project as Osireion, still remains a mystery to science. Weight is only one block of granite, of which collected the sanctuary, more than 100 tons. the same blocks were used in the construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Today, throughout the world there is no technical means that would raise that amount. In this context the study of the underground temple, located at a depth of 17 meters below ground level, is not possible. Sneak through the underground, underground water flooded the tunnel Osireion archaeologists managed only 300 meters. Further research in this area suspended due to lack of appropriate facilities, lifts granite slabs.
Their temple of Seti I in the tunnel leading Osireion with pictures of the "Book of the Dead."
The third - the flower of life, sacred geometry of the ancient Egyptian temple of Abydos
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Flower of Life, Ancient Egypt |
On one of the granite blocks Osireion applied the "Flower of Life", by which drew attention to his work Drunvalo.
Perhaps the key to the origin of these signs is in the Greek language.
θ = Theta
Є = Epsilon
λ = Lamda
A closer look at the block is found the inscription: "Theos Nilos", which means "God of the Nile."
The ancient Egyptian temple of Abydos in Egypt served as a platform for the removal of the famous Hollywood film "Star wars".
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Temple Abidos, Ancient Egypt |
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Temple Abidos, Ancient Egypt |
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Temple Abidos, Ancient Egypt |
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Temple Abidos, Ancient Egypt |
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