Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ancient Egyptian artifacts abroad

New-York Metropoliten Museum
Egyptologists and travelers interested in the history of Egypt can see exhibits of ancient civilizations on earth, not only in museums and sightseeing in the territory of the modern state. But also on other continents.
In the Spanish capital, Madrid, tourists can book a tour of the Egyptian Temple of Debod. Its history is linked with the emergence of what is now Egypt's Nubian kingdom, which was in the delta of the Nile River in the town of Debod, which is not found on the modern map of Egypt. He was not far from the temple of Abu Simbel, familiar to tourists on excursions. The date of his erection goes away in the millennium. His age is about 2,200 years old, in the Greco-Roman period in Egypt. It was built by order of King Ptolemy IV and personified the cult of the god Amun.
Along with other relics of ancient Egypt, as the Temple Denbur to see that these days you can in the Metropolitan Museum in New York, USA, as well as a temple Elles in Italy and Gollandrii, the Temple of Debod was transported to other countries, as called for UNESCO to preserve cultural values ​​of ancient Nubia (Kushite kingdom). This need was caused extensive flooding of the territory of Upper Egypt after the construction of the Aswan High Dam and rising groundwater.

|British Museum, London
The clue read the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics was laid with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. The identical text on it was written in hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt, the Egyptian vernacular language (demotic) and Greek dialect. After the British occupation of Egypt in 1801, the Rosetta Stone was taken to the British Museum in London, where the exhibit and is to this day. Also in the British Museum you can see the history of other valuable artifacts of ancient Egypt:
Statue of Ramses II,
Egyptian statues,
List of the kings of Egypt, 1250g. BC,
Statue Amonofisa III,
Cleopatra's mummy sarcophagus, etc.
Photos of ancient Egyptian artifacts that are stored in the British Museum can be found here.

Dendur Temple, Metopoliten Museum, New-York
These priceless artifacts in the history of the period of ancient Egypt, as the bust of Nefertiti, is now in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin.
Travelers departing on a trip to the temple of the goddess of love and fun Dendera (Hathor) near Aswan in Egypt find the ceiling of one of the rooms of the sanctuary zodiac, the age of which is about 3,000 years old. Unfortunately, the original of the Zodiac can be seen today only in the Louvre. Within the walls of an Egyptian temple located on only a copy of the white gypsum.
Statues Egyptian architect Hemiuna are in the Museum Roemer-Pelitsaus in Germany. A statue Hafraanha at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
In 2005, the Supreme Council for Antiquities, headed by Zahi Hawass, demanded the return of the return of ancient artifacts from museums in Germany, England, France and America.
In 2011, Egyptian authorities were able to prove ownership of the 19 exhibits of ancient times, exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum in New York, including a miniature bronze dog, a fragment in the form of a sphinx bracelet and necklace found after the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter in 1922. They are now kept in the National Museum of Antiquities in Egypt.
Egyptian authorities on behalf of the Minister of Antiquities has repeatedly called for the citizens of all countries report found artifacts that are stored outside of the country and exported illegally. Of particular relevance was the issue after looting at the Egyptian National Museum in Cairo during the events of the revolution January 25, 2011 in Egypt.
Kings of Egypt, Btitish Museum
Nebanun, Btirish Museum
King's Library, British Museum

Thursday, June 13, 2013

TOP-10 most expensive hotels of the world

San Diego, California, United States
The rating  the results of prices for the most expensive five-star hotels around the world, conducted site (summer 2013):

1. Tokyo, Japanese. The average cost of the night in hotels in the Japanese capital for the year 2012 amounted to 108 euros against 101 in 2011.

2. Bogota, Colombia. The average room rate in 2012 was 107 euros (versus 99 euros in 2011).

3. Taipei, China. The average room rate in 2013 was 106 euros (versus 99 euros in 2012).

4. Rome, Italy. The average room rate in 2013 was 106 euros (versus 110 euros in 2012).

5. Florence, Italy. The average room rate in 2013 was 106 euros (versus 102 euros in 2012).

6. Bali island. The average room rate in 2013 was 106 euros (versus 100 euros in 2012).

7. San Diego, California, USA. The average room rate in 2013 was 105 euros (compared to 97 euros in 2012).

8. Cairo, Egypt. The average room rate in 2013 was 104 euros (compared to 97 euros in 2012).

9. Nice, France. The average room rate in 2013 was 104 euros (versus 104 euros in 2012).

10. Salzburg, Austria. The average room rate in 2013 was 107 euros (versus 100 euros in 2012).

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TOP- 5 the most visited attractions by travelers

Piramids of Giza, Egypt
The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt
The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt entered the list of the most visited sites in the world, as one of the original wonders of the world.
The pyramids of Giza have become a symbol of Egypt. Age of ancient buildings has about 4500 years. Until now, scientists have not figured out the secret of the construction, so that the pyramids have aura of intrigue and mystery. For many travelers, departing on holiday in Egypt, visiting the Pyramids of Giza, heritage of the ancient culture, priority is placed on the top in the number of sightseeing in Egypt.
Three major piramids of pharaohs of Egypt  ranked as UNESCO World Heritage Site, located on the border of the capital of Egypt, the metropolis with a population of about 24 million people, Cairo.

Roman Forum, Italy
The Roman Forum, Italy
Among the most visited architectural masterpieces of world culture is also ranked as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum in Italy.
Forum was invested in the heart of the Roman Empire over 1300 years ago, with  length of  700 yards square, was used as the local market and the place where the parliament. The ruins of the temples of the sacred pillars and friezes, dedicated to the cult of Saturn, the god of agriculture, erected under the emperors Vespasian and Titus, the Forum in Italy, visited by travelers every year, about 5.1 per year.

Roman Colosseum, Italy
The Roman Colosseum, Italy
When completed in 80 AD, the arena could accommodate 50,000 spectators who watched the events of the mythical drama: the battles on land and sea, deadly gladiator fights and gruesome murder of wild animals. The Roman Coliseum is the largest arena in the rest of the great Roman Empire in the world. Underground tunnels, where gladiators awaited their fate in the arena of the Colosseum of Rome, have been opened to visitors in 2010. And also the last row of the Colosseum, a height of 110 feet, with a panoramic view of the Eternal City. The Roman Colosseum in Italy takes about 6, 9 million travelers a year.
Among the tourist attractions puteshestvennikasm also noted Terrakotoraya army in Xi'an, China.

Terracotta Army, China
Terracotta Army, China
Terracotta Army in Xian, China
Discovered in 1974 by an army of 700 soldiers and generals, archers, infantry and chariots made of terracotta in the natural growth, given this masterpiece of Chinese architecture, unique look. Distinct facial features, hair styles and elements that affect the visitor attractions in China. Clay statues arranged in rows in covered pits, and form part of the necropolis of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The bright colors of the army of Chinese Emperor were saved because they were long hidden from the destructive force of air.
See the Terracotta Army in Xian, China, depart from 3.6 to 4.5 million tourists

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China in Badaling is one of the most powerful structures in the world. Its length is about 5,500 miles and stretches across China. The most beautiful part of the Great Wall is available in 70 miles from Beijing. Although a huge part of the wall was built during the Ming Dynasty in the period from 1368 to 1644 GG BC, some of its sections existed in 770 BC Come to China to visit the Great Wall, comes from 9 to 10 million travelers a year.